Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How America Evolves on LGBT Issues

From Jeffrey Hartinger's Op-Ed:
Americans may think, I don’t completely understand where gay individuals are coming from or why they feel that way, but I know I don’t think like these people. The closers, of course, are the subtle and tasteful marketing campaigns that showcase gay individuals as regular Americans; a Tylenol ad that features a lesbian couple and their son at the kitchen table, a JCPenney spread that honors LGBT parents for both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and countless others from Ray-Ban, Absolut, Gap, Amtrak, Miller 64, and American Airlines, just to name a few.
No matter in what era or what part of the world we live, humans like to see our lives reflected back to us. We feed off things we connect to,  that we strive for, that we want. 

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