Monday, March 22, 2010


I think Samsung is so smart. It looks like they've really expanded their interactive displays at DFW, and presumably in other airports too. Here's a tunnel you can actually walk through and check out all their cool new phones. Not far away is a bar where you can power up your own electronics and check out more of their latest products. People were literally flocking to this tunnel to check it out. I'll have to get a picture of the inside next time. Compare that kind of interaction with how people usually interact with a billboard or a magazine advertisement. 

I'm not bashing traditional media in its entirety, but I don't know why more brands don't invest in nontraditional efforts like these that maximize aperture by connecting with consumers in specific, controlled environments and contexts such as this. What better time to think about cell phones than when you're stuck at the airport with nowhere to go and nothing to do until your flight departs – except play with the one thing that's guaranteed to be in your pocket: your phone.

UPDATE: Here's a picture of the inside:

1 comment:

  1. is impressive watch how much this company grow in the last years, I remember that all the people think in this company only as a cheap products manufacturers, and now are one of the most great companies in TV and sound systems.
