Monday, January 4, 2010

Don't Be Invisible for Another 10 Years

Anyone in advertising, business, or politics knows the value of Census data when comes to making key decisions that impact masses of people and their lives. But did you know that the Census doesn't plan to even count LGBT people in 2010? That's a big problem, because the data collected impacts issues critical to every American – like our health care, our economic stability, and even our safety. And when LGBT people aren't counted, then we also don't count when it comes to services, resources, and our basic rights. The most fundamental thing we need to prove in all these cases is that we exist. And we simply cannot do that in a credible way if we aren't counted by the Census.

What can you do about it?
1. Click here to sign the petition to be counted
2. Click here to order the free "queer the census" sticker to place on the back of your census envelope

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