Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Good Morning America Cancels Adam Lambert after His AMA Performance

Despite being scheduled to perform on their weekly concert series, GMA has canceled Lambert's appearance altogether. "Given his controversial live performance on AMAs," producers "were concerned about airing a similar concert so early in the morning." Lambert will now perform on CBS instead. Apparently the folks at The Early Show don't mind waking up with a little gay in their day. After all, their parent company isn't Disney.

Personally, I enjoyed Adam's freak show on the AMA's, though I wasn't a huge fan of his single. I liked him better doing other peoples' songs like he did on Idol. 

1 comment:

  1. I did not particularly enjoy the song, and therefore, I found the entire performance was rather uninteresting. But, all the uproar, including this most recent decision by GMA is ridiculous.

    Now Lady Gaga on the other hand, was awesome!!!
